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Let us pay yours attention to very special wax to modify bitumen - Sasobit®.
Sasobit® and paraffins which are naturally found in bitumen are not comparable just because normally paraffins have just 22-45 carbon atoms chain, while Sasobit® carbon atoms chain is much longer 40 - 115 atoms.
Why Sasobit® is so special and how it works? Sasobit® - singnificantly improves workability of the mix and it's compactibility.
This product melts at temperature 85-115° C and reduce neat or polymer modified bitumen's viscosity at higher temperature range.
Moreover - Sasobit® additionally improves mechanical properties of the mix (asphalt layer), so it becomes more resistant to rutting formation. We have to bear in mind, that Sasobit® does not change bitumen's Fraas point, so it remains the same as before modification.
Sasobit® melts and mix well with the bitumen at 140° C.
Here below is some data about influence Sasobit® does to bitumen 50/70 and 70/100:

B 50/70 SmB 35 B 70/100 SmB 45
Base bitumen 50/70 70/100
Bitumen content, % 100 97 100 97
Sasobit® content, % 3 3
Bitumen softening temperature (R&B), °C 48-54 75-85 43-49 70-80
Penetration at 25°C (1/10 mm) 50-70 30-50 70-100 35-55
Bitumen Fraas temperature, °C – 8 – 8 – 10 – 10

Recommended Sasobit® dose - 3% from bitumen weight.

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